The end of week 4 and 1st half of my distance coaching

May 5, 2011

I just finished up the first half of my distance coaching. I’d have to say the results are great.

My weight went from 194 to 190. Pants are looser and I feel great. Cant wait to see what weeks 5-8 have in store. AND, Lana just bought  a new dress shirt for me. It’s a 15 1/2 inch neck, Classic fit Polo buttondown. I could get the collar buttoned. It was tight, but I could breathe. It wasn’t long ago that I was wearing 18 inch or 18 1/2 inch collars. Nice

A good plan, executed well,will bring results

In my last post I didn’t quite hit my VO2 max workout time of 13 min with the kettlebell snatches. Turns out I may have been sick, sinusy or something. It started the Sunday before, but I hit 12 min with no issues. This week I was getting ready to leave on vacation so I did that workout before breakfast and coffee. I had to stop after 9 minutes. Well I think I had some sinus issues also, which I’m sure didn’t help. I didn’t really feel right until Tuesday. Sometimes you don’t realize how badly you feel until you start feeling better.

Last nights workout was an easy one. Deloading

Millitary Press  45,55, and 65 x5

Deadlift  135  3 sets of 5

Workout 5 Thursday night

TGU’s 10 minutes alternating hands. 3 breaths at each position. 35lb bell

Jump Rope/Swing :30/:30 with a minute of rest. 10 rounds. I may have one 11. Not sure

Luckily, I left my ego at the door and did the swings with the 35lb bell. This was actually challenging, done correctly. I wanted to grab my 44.  Glad I didn’t.

I read an article this morning from TNation by Dan John. It was on tabata intervals. He quoted on the swing

“If you feel swings in your lower back, you’re doing them wrong and you need to stop. If swings make your hamstrings sing and feel smoked the next day, you’re doing them right and you may continue.”

It brought me back to my lesson with Michael Spain. He really tweaked my swing technique and I could really feel it in my hammys. It made me take stock of my form again and make sure I did it right. Choosing qualtity over quantity or poundage was the correct choice.

Week 4 weekend workout

May 1, 2011

Week 4 begins of my coaching sessions. It’s also the end of the first half of that session.

I’ve definitely made progress, dropped a few lbs – I saw 189 this morning. I was 194 when I started. We’ll see how that holds as I’m about to leave on a short family trip. I feel stronger for sure. My workouts have been progressing a bit each week with the volume and weights I’m using. But not so much as to make me feel like I’m overtraining.

Saturday barbell workout

Millitary Press

 45, 55 x 5, 65 x 3

85  x 5, 95 x 3, 105 x 1


135 x 5,5 135 x 3

180 x 5, 200 x 3 and 225 x 1

I posted a video in my last deadlift session,which was critiqued by my coach. I was pleased to hear my form wasn’t bad. All I needed to do was drop my tail a bit. No problem, easy enough fix.

Sunday VO2 max protocol

35lb Kettlebell snatches :15/:15 for 13 min, or 26 sets   EPIC FAIL

Since, I’m going on vacation today, I got up early, before church, and did my VO2 workout. Or at least attempted it. I didn’t get close. I hit 9 minutes and really started to struggle. Had to rest, tried to finish the last 4 minutes, but couldn’t do it. Not sure if it was because I wasn’t awake/warm enough, shouldn’t have done this before breakfast or my coffee. Who knows.

Another fitness buff that I follow on facebook, Jedd Johnson, says: “Misses aren’t failures, they’re just warmups!”

So there ya go. I didn’t hit that one. I’ll knock it out of the park on the next one.

Week 3 workout 4

April 28, 2011

Getups and Swings, oh my

Again, another simple but taxing workout

Turkish getups 5 min 5 breaths at each position

This was tough as I didn’t get many getups in, but I was under load for a long time. Can really feel it in my shoulders

300 Kettlebell Swings, any style

I switched back between my 44 and 35 doing 2 and 1 handed swings. It took about 19 and a half minutes.

All in all a workout that was less than 30 minutes.

Cant wait to see whats in store for next week.

Week 3 workout 3

April 26, 2011

I’m almost over my cold, sinus attack, or whatever that was. With yesterday being an off or active recovery (trampoline) day. I’m a lot better. There were also nasty storms rolling in, and my workout room has lots of big windows in it. Kinda cool.

Millitary Press

45,55 x 5, 65 x 3

80,90 and 100 x 3

135 x 5,5 and 3

165,185 and 215 x 3

Both the 100 pound press and the 215 deadlift felt really good. I took the heavier presses nice and slow on the reps. My left shoulder is a bit tight, but the reps felt great. Not sure what is up with my shoulder. I did get a little high thoracic foam rolling. Maybe that helped loosen things up a bit.

What the heck, I’ll go ahead and post my last deadlift set from Saturday here

Cant wait for my next training session. It involves 300 kettlebell swings

Week 3 weekend workout log

April 26, 2011

Week three started this Saturday. Have I mentioned I really like deadlifting?

3/23 Saturday

Millitary Press

Millitary Press

45,55 x 5

65 x 3

70,80 and 95 x 5

135 x 5,5,and 3,

 155,180 and 200 x 5

I actually took a video of my deadlift which I will be sending to my coach. It looks like I have decent form. I’ll wait to hear from someone who’s been deadlifting longer. Who knows I may post it one day.

The best thing I like about these workouts is I’m not killing myself doing them, but I can tell progress is being made.

Sunday 3/24 Happy Easter!

I wasn’t 100% that day. I was wondering if I was overtraining? I didn’t think so, but you never know. I believe it was sinus stuff, or maybe a little cold. Just felt kind of jicky, a little achy. I had been foam rolling a lot Friday and Saturday. Did I overdo that? Probably not. I almost blew it off, but I just went for it. I’m glad I did. Turns out after a good nights sleep and some sinus medicine, I’m better

VO2 Max workout 35lb bell Snatches

:15/:15  12 minutes

Sandy’s been progressing me from 10 minutes, adding a minute each week so far. I made it through just fine, or at least I survived. I ordered Viking Warrior Conditioning Friday, it shipped today and should be here soon. Cant wait to read it.

I’ve been stretching more and using my foam roller more. The back feels great. That will be a bigger part of my regimen


Week 2 Coaching

April 21, 2011

Just finished up week 2’s workouts and I’m really enjoying it. I know I keep saying this, but it’s true and a testament to planning your workouts at least a day in advance, if not a week if possible.

My Coach, Sandy Sommer took off this week on vacation so he sent me this week and next weeks workouts. I got a little peek and understanding to what he’s doing. Definitely a method to his madness.

Saturday 4-16

Military Press

 45, 55 x 5, 65 x 3, 80 x 5, 90 x 3 and 100 x 1
Deadlift 135 x 5,5 3, 170 x 5, 195 x 3, 215 x 1

     I like this workout and it’s a nice progression. Hits the whole body and doesn’t take all day.

Sunday 4-17

Kettlebell Snatches VO2 Max 15/15 with 16kg bell for 11 minutes

     I LOVE this workout. Last weeks VO2 was for 10 minutes, next weeks for 12. Slowly working up to improve my   conditioning. I need to go ahead and get Viking Warrior Conditioning to get more out of this concept. My first couple of sets I got 7 reps on each side well within the 15 seconds. By the end, was barely getting them in.

Tuesday 4-19

Military Press 45,55 and 65 x 5
Deadlift 135 x 5,5,5

Nice simple deload workout. This week was crazy and I did this Tuesday morning before I got into my day. I don’t think I like deadlifting that early in the morning before I’ve had time to get up, properly caffeineated and loosened up. Glad it wasn’t any heavier.

Thursday 4-21

TGU 35 lbs 12 minutes. 3 breaths at each phase

I think Sandy is trying to torture me me with these. The slow progression is killer. I definitely need to record this and have him critique me. Some parts of the progression are easier than others, even from side to side.

Super Set
10 2H swings
10 pushups
as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. I used a 44lb bell.

I don’t think I swung much last week. I missed it. Maybe I could do that in my “active recovery” days. I really like the swing a lot. From what I saw in next week workouts, I’ll be making up for this.

All in all another great workout week designed my Coach Sommer. I’ve weighed and the number was good, but I’ll weigh another time to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. It does seem that my pants are getting a bit looser and that’s awesome! Which brings me to another point, DIET, not as a verb, but as in what I eat. I’m not being very disciplined with my eating. I need to get that back together. Maybe even post an eating journal. Wouldn’t THAT be scary. All I know is you cannot out train a bad diet and all the work in the world will be lost if I keep this up.


Day 5, last workout of week 1

April 14, 2011

Well, my first week of coached workouts has come to completion, and I must say it’s  been awesome

A very simple program with 4 workouts and an active recovery day. And I assume 2 rest days to make 7. I was having trouble deciding what to do for active recovery. I should be reaching for the bike and I will, going forward. I chose the Trampoline yesterday, or as Sophie calls it, the Bamp-o-line. A few minutes jumping with the kiddos can loosen things up nicely and it does wonders for your psyche.

I loved this workout today. a bit evil and tough

Turkish Getups with a 35 lb bell 10 minutes

I was to hold each part of the movement for 3 breaths. That will take a bit of time to do efficiently.

Goblet Squat with a 44lb bell supersetted with 2 pullups. As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. I got 17.

That was a tough one as pullups aren’t my strong suit, but I love goblet squats. I’d like to be able to get 5 strict pullups.

Rest day tomorrow and then the start of week 2. I can’t wait

Have a great weekend

Day 4, 3rd Coaching Workout

April 14, 2011

Day 3 (yesterday) was supposed to be an active recovery day. It was just a rest day. Monday got away from me.

Workout #3 was another barbell session. I think I’m going to like the barbell sessions twice a week, if they keep up.

Millitary Press

45 x5

55 x5

65 x3

75, 85, and 95 x3


135 x1, 5, and 3

160, 180 and 205 x1

Nice low volume workout and I was able to get it in before the T-ball game. About 20 minutes, if that.

I did break protocol on the DL’s a bit. I did 180 and 205 twice.

I was pretty pumped up from the day. My facebook account was left open when I left for work and my loving wife, Lana, was mercilessly hacking me all day. Funny stuff and it had me charged up. It’s amazing the two way street your mood and excercise can have on each other. I’ve been in horrible moods, hopped on the bike or grabbed a bell and 20 minutes later I’m a new man, all calm and docile 😉 This time it was the other way. I was in an awesome mood and felt like I could have lifted that end of the house. Endorphins are a wonderful thing.

The next session is going to be a good one. Turkish Getups and supersets of Goblet squats and pullups. WOO HOO>

Day 2 VO2 max

April 13, 2011

Day 2 was a good one, quick but good

One thing about Kettlebells, they’re simple and this workout was about as simple as it gets.

10 minutes of Snatches with a 35lb bell using the VO2 max protocol.

What it that you ask? It’s 10 minutes of buttkicking.  Kettlebell snatches using :15 seconds of work and :15 seconds of rest. My goal was 10 minutes or 20 sets and I hit it. And oh yes, you’re doing 7 or 8 snatches during that 15 seconds. I did 7 per set. Doing the math, that’s 140 snatches in 10 min.

It was tough. In fact I don’t think I’ve gotten near the 10 minutes with this type of workout before. Not that I couldn’t, but I hadn’t set out with a goal of 10 minutes. Once again, a testament to planning your workouts. To tell the truth, it felt really good when I finished. Partially because I was done, mainly because I accomplished the 10 minutes I set out to do.

Kenneth Jay, Master RKC, has a book out that I’m about to read called Viking Warrior Conditioning. This protocol comes from that book.  While I don’t pretend to know all of it yet, I’ve gotten the jist of it and it seems like a fantastic way to increase your conditioning. This protocol is a big part of it, from what I’ve seen about the book so far.  I’m looking forward to reading it. One of my fitness goals is to increase my cardiovascular conditioning. This will help. When I started training for the Freeze Your Fanny bike ride this past February, I vividly remember my first training ride. It seemed like I hadn’t laid off riding at all. I attribute that to Kettlebell work.

Next up Active recovery day. Actually that turned into a straignt rest day.


Day 1 Distance Training

April 12, 2011

I got my workout plan for week 1 and I was excited to get started. I must have been. Up at 630, at the T-ball fields by 730, home at 1230. I should have been whipped.

I went ahead and started Day 1 of the program. I like it. Funny I almost delayed signing up right now because of T-ball. What a cheesey excuse. Please, like no one’s busy. That’s how I hit 250 a few years ago. Any excuse not to take care of myself.

Funny thing too. This session started off with Military Pressing and Deadlift. I actually enjoy deadlifting now, but never had in the past when I belonged to Globogym…. Guess I’m opting for simple over flashy now in my workouts.

Here it is

Military Barbell Press

45 x5

55 x5

65 x3

70, 80, 90 x3


135 x1

135 x5

135 x3

150, 175, 195 x5

I really liked this workout. I had been deadlifting first, then pressing. Not sure it mattered, but it since I don’t have a rack and have to pick everything up from the floor, my lower back is nice and warm by the time I finish the presses.

At first I thought the pressing was going to be a bit light, but it seems right on. Especially in light of the fact that tomorrows workout will be Kettlebell snatches. Lots of them…